Extend vs Include in Ruby Module
Extend vs. Include Modules are used for mixins, ruby’s way of handling muliple inheritance without the complications. There are two ways to mixin, either include or extend to mix in a module’s functionality into a class.
include makes the module’s methods available to the instance of a class, attached to the instances of the class alone.
module Foo
def foo
puts 'heyyyyoooo!'
class Bar
include Foo
Bar.new.foo # heyyyyoooo!
Bar.foo # NoMethodError: undefined method ‘foo’ for Bar:Class
extend makes these methods available to the class as class methods, implemented with a self << class*
class Baz
extend Foo
Baz.foo # heyyyyoooo!
Baz.new.foo # NoMethodError: undefined method ‘foo’ for #\<Baz:0x1e708>
More information here at the source link.
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