Using Deligate in ActiveRecord to avoid dots

##Adding deligate method in the model##

There are various situations where we might be using methods from the child model from its parents model.

Common example is user and posts

class Post
  belongs_to :user

class User
  has_many :posts

To make a call to find a post with category ‘ruby’ for a User


If this is being used in multiple places, adding a deligate will make our life easy, thereby avoiding mulitple dots. Also User model doesnt have to know the inner methods of the posts model and a logic change in the model Post would not require multiple changes

class Post
  belongs_to :user
  delegate :find_by_category, :to => :user, :allow_nil => true

now the following code will work.


There is an option to allow prefix as well

Any questions on this, please feel free to ask. We’re here to help…